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AI-Powered Visual Checks for Faster, Better Development

Automate Visual Testing for Mobile Apps and Web

Patent Granted : Patent No. 7386560
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Resolving Visual Testing Issues

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Enhancing quality while reducing costs

UI SCAN automates manual Visual testing, cutting costs while improving product quality by reducing oversights with our high-performance engine.


Voices from the Development Team

Data Insights on Visual Testing


Percentage of people who notice incorrect web/app design implementation*


Percentage of people who release products with unsatisfactory UI*


Feeling Psychological Pressure in Design Checking*

* Based on 451 survey responses from professionals involved in in-house web and mobile app development (November 2023).

Streamline the process from testing to review

Centralize Visual testing activities like visual comparisons, testing, and reviews, all without the need for tool-hopping.


Essential Framework

No need for complex configurations or preparations.UI testing automation can be achieved with simple steps.
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Boosts team productivity


エンジニア Easily grasp the differences between design and implementation, making UI development smoother while reducing errors.


デザイナー Differences between your designed and engineered screens are automatically detected, saving time on UI reviews.


ディレクター Centralizing UI review communications enables smoother project progress.

Free Beta Version Available

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